API Docs


Welcome to the Python SDK reference docs. The SDK enables Python developers to speed up and ease the integration with Blockbax. It makes interfacing with our HTTP API even easier where you can easily get, create, update and delete resources without the intricacies of having to deal with HTTP requests and responses.

The Python SDK exposes a HttpClient class and resources as Pydantic model. The HttpClient automatically injects the given access key and project ID per HTTP call and has built in mechanisms to catch and present any errors returned by the Blockbax API.


You can easily install the Python SDK through pip.


pip install blockbax-sdk

Client setup

To start using the Python SDK you first have to setup a HTTP client for your Blockbax project. Make sure you have created an access key with the appropriate permissions. Currently, you can interact with the following resource types:

Client setup

import blockbax_sdk as blockbax

project_id = "75ef0782-c63b-4afe-8e59-091f33cd88dd"
access_token = "0eVKlsqYH4QauFyij2LP6gfkFwZnK5Ta"

http_client = blockbax.HttpClient(
    project_id = project_id,
    access_token = access_token


The Python SDK defines the following errors.

  • BlockbaxHTTPError
  • BlockbaxClientError
  • BlockbaxServerError
  • BlockbaxUnauthorizedError

The most common error is the BlockbaxHTTPError which is thrown whenever the HTTP client encounters an error. This error is also used as the base class for all other errors that can occur during HTTP requests. Two subtypes of the BlockbaxHTTPError class are the BlockbaxClientError & BlockbaxServerError which are thrown for HTTP status codes 4xx and 5xx respectively. Additionally the BlockbaxUnauthorizedError error is thrown for every failed request whenever the configured access key is unauthorized to do so.

BlockbaxHTTPError provides you with information such as:

  • Returned HTTP status
  • Returned error details
  • Detailed error message from the service

ValueError is used whenever a numeric value is given that could not be stored as a Decimal. The Python SDK automatically rounds decimals to 8 digits after the decimal point and throws the ValueError for any numeric value given with more than 20 digits before the decimal point. It’s important to note that the built in Python float in some rare occasions can not always be precise enough when dealing with very big values.

Errors usage

from blockbax_sdk import errors

  http_client.update_subject(subject = new_subject)
except errors.BlockbaxHTTPError as error:
  # Handle error

Retry mechanism

Due to the distributed nature of the Blockbax Platform, the HTTP API requests can return a 502, 503 and 504 status code incidentally which can be safely retried. The Python SDK has a retry mechanism that automatically retries these errors for a maximum of 3 times using an exponential back-off mechanism. After the request has failed more than 3 times a BlockbaxServerError is thrown.

Request throttling

The Blockbax Platform uses rate limits to avoid resource starvation. All endpoints are rate limited except the endpoint for sending measurements. Once a rate limit is hit a 429 response code is returned for all subsequent requests until the limit is reset. The Python SDK automatically handles these responses and has a mechanism to wait until the rate limit is reset to retry the failed request and continue processing. Please visit our API documentation for more information.

Release notes

Version 1.0

We have introduced significant improvements in version 1.0.0. Our internal models have undergone essential refactoring from using Python Data Classes to leveraging the more powerful Pydantic models. We’ve tried minimizing backward incompatible changes, there are some attribute name or type adjustments we deemed necessary (see details below). The HttpClient, as the main entrypoint to the SDK, remains fully backward compatible.

Breaking changes
  • Python Data Classes have been replaced Pydantic models. If your code relies on specific behavior of Data Classes, such as overrides, please review and make necessary adjustments.
  • UUID fields within internal models have transitioned from string to UUID type. Still HTTPClient gracefully accepts both string and UUID representations for UUID fields. For instance http_client.get_metric(UUID("26a9badb-954f-45fd-a810-f7d23430cf96")) and http_client.get_metric("26a9badb-954f-45fd-a810-f7d23430cf96") are both accepted.
  • The properties field in the Subject model is now of type List[SubjectProperty], aligning the model with raw responses from the HTTP API.
  • The previously used Subject.properties.get() method on subject properties is removed. Instead, use Subject.get_property_by_type_id(my_type_id) to retrieve a subject property if it exists.
  • For create_subject_type the attribute parent_ids is marked deprecated and should be replaced with parent_subject_type_ids.
  • For get_subjects the attribute subject_external_id is marked deprecated and should be replaced with external_id.
  • For create_subject the attribute parent_id is marked deprecated and should be replaced with parent_subject_id.

Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed issue with queue measurements with epoch milliseconds date in Python for Windows installations
  • Fixed issue with wrong attribute in contains_value method of PropertyType

Version 1.1.0

Added support for events and event triggers. With these changes, the Python SDK now supports all methods of the Blockbax HTTP API.

Version 1.2.0

  • Added support for querying events with suppressed field.
  • Fixed issue with parsing events with no endDate.

Version 1.3.0

Queueing, batching, and sending measurements have been improved to ensure all measurements for a subject are batched and send in strictly increasing time order to avoid timing issues.

Breaking change

The option for limiting what is send from the queue has been removed (ingestion_ids argument from send_measurements() method). This is obsolete with the current improvements. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Property Types

Methods to create, update, delete and get property types.

Get property types

Gets property types, optionally with arguments for filtering.


  • name [optional, default=None]: The name of the property type to filter on.
  • external_id [optional, default=None]: The external id of the property type to filter on.

Returns: List of PropertyType

Get all property types:

all_property_types = http_client.get_property_types()

Get a select list of property types:

property_type_name_of_interest = "My Property type"
select_list_of_property_types = http_client.get_property_types(
    name = property_type_name_of_interest

Get a property type

Gets a specific property type.


  • id_ [required]: Property type ID to fetch.

Returns: PropertyType

Get a property type by ID:

my_property_type_id = "e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f"
single_property_type = http_client.get_property_type(
    id_ = my_property_type_id

Create a property type

Creates a property type


  • name [required]: The name of the property type.
  • external_id [required]: The external id of the property type.
  • data_type [required]: The type of the property type. Can be “TEXT”, “NUMBER”, “LOCATION”, “MAP_LAYER or “IMAGE”.
  • predefined_values [required]: Defines whether it is possible to create values for this property type in the resource itself (for value true) or they are automatically created when adding a value to a subject (for value false).
  • values [optional, default=[] ]: List of predefined values. A property type can be created with or without predefined values. Each list item can be either a dictionary in the valid format or PropertyTypeValue. It is preferred to use the later as the structure will be validated before making the request.

Returns: PropertyType

Create values:

# values for "TEXT" data_type
my_text_property_values = ["text_value"]
# values for "NUMBER" data_type
my_number_property_values = [1, "2"]
# values for "LOCATION" data_type
my_location_property_values = [{
    "lat": 51.92517,
    "lon": 4.475660,
    "alt": 0            # Optional

my_map_layer_property_values = [
    "typeId": "d237162d-6da6-455e-8921-ba0c4bae4fc5",
    "mapLayer": {
        "imagePath" : "/projects/715b6935-e3d8-48b1-86a3-a6e2a268e1f/propertyTypes/d237162d-6da6-455e-8921-ba0c4bae4fc5/values/8a75002b-0c63-4fe8-afc0-2c05e428a76a/files/efa6753f-4981-417f-aabd-be0f43c6e4f6.png",
        "leftBottom" : {
            "lat": 52.37403,
            "lon": 4.88969
        "leftTop" : {
            "lat": 52.37404,
            "lon": 4.88969
        "rightBottom" : {
            "lat": 52.37403,
            "lon": 4.88970
        "rightTop" : {
            "lat": 52.37404,
            "lon": 4.88970

my_image_property_values = [{
    "typeId": "bae083a4-fb3a-490a-8025-312112066b66",
    "image": {
        "imagePath": "/projects/715b6935-e3d8-48b1-86a3-a6e2a268e1f/propertyTypes/bae083a4-fb3a-490a-8025-312112066b66/values/a8c52571-b882-4bf0-b013-f38f9621e7b6/files/ada6753f-4981-417f-aabd-be0f43c6e4c9.png"

Create a property type:

my_property_type = http_client.create_property_type(
    name = "My Property type",            # Required
    data_type = "NUMBER",                 # Required
    predefined_values = True,             # Required
    values = my_number_property_values    # Optional, default = []

Update a property type

Updates a property type.


  • property_type [required]: Updated PropertyType or a dictionary with all fields. The latter will be cast to a PropertyType automatically if it is in the valid format.

Returns: PropertyType

Update predefined property values:

my_property_type_id = "e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f"
my_property_type = http_client.get_property_type(
    id_ = my_property_type_id

new_value = 3

old_value = 2

Update attributes

my_property_type.name = "My new Property value name"

Update property type:

my_property_type = http_client.update_property_type(my_property_type)

Delete a property type

Deletes a property type.


  • id_ [required]: Property type ID to delete.

Returns: None

Delete a property type:

my_property_type_id = "e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f"
    id_ = my_property_type_id

Event Triggers

Methods to create, update, delete, and get event triggers.

Get event triggers

Gets event triggers, optionally filtered by name.


  • name [optional, default=None]: Filter event triggers by name.

Returns: List of EventTrigger

Get all Event triggers

all_event_triggers = http_client.get_event_triggers()

Get a selected list of Event triggers

event_trigger_name_of_interest = "My Event Trigger"
subject_type_id_of_interest = "526e8fee-ded2-410d-b562-888724d58183"

select_list_of_event_triggers = http_client.get_event_triggers(
    name = event_trigger_name_of_interest

Get an event trigger

Gets a specific event trigger.


  • id_ [required]: Event Trigger ID to fetch.

Returns: EventTrigger

Get a single Event trigger

my_event_trigger_id = "e7b6d3ab-34c7-4c3a-bf4d-51c854c79e95"
single_event_trigger = http_client.get_event_trigger(
    id_ = my_event_trigger_id

Create an event trigger

Creates an event trigger.


  • name [required]: The name of the event trigger.
  • subject_type_id [required]: The ID of the subject type associated with this event trigger.
  • active [required]: Whether this event trigger is active.
  • event_rules [required]: List of event rules associated with this event trigger. If provided as a list of dictionaries, they will be automatically cast to List[EventRule]. Using the EventRule model is preferred as it allows validation before calling the create method.
    • event_level [required]: Event level.
    • condition_sets [required]: List of condition sets associated with this event rule.
      • id [optional]: Condition set ID.
      • description [required]: Description of the condition set.
      • input_conditions [required]: List of input conditions.
        • type [required]: Type of the input condition.
        • left_operand [required]: Left operand of the condition.
        • comparison_operator [required]: Comparison operator.
        • right_operand [required]: Right operand of the condition.
  • evaluation_trigger [required]: Evaluation trigger type.
  • evaluation_constraint [required]: Evaluation constraint type.
  • subject_filter [optional]: Filter of subjects for which this event trigger will generate events. If as a dictionary, it will be automatically cast to SubjectFilter. Using the SubjectFilter model is preferred for validation purposes.

Returns: EventTrigger

Create Event Trigger

my_event_rules = [
        "event_level": "OK",
        "condition_sets": [
                "id": "3b39bf8c-89ea-4b92-944d-34e33ac507b8",
                "description": "Condition set description",
                "input_conditions": [
                        "type": "THRESHOLD",
                        "left_operand": {
                            "type": "METRIC",
                            "id": "a6e924d7-885b-4045-baab-4d5e7bae1641"
                        "comparison_operator": "GREATER_THAN",
                        "right_operand": {
                            "type": "STATIC_VALUE",
                            "number": 100

my_subject_filter = {
            "include": {
                "subjectIds": ["253c28ab-1267-482c-addf-ade740519bd6"],
                "propertyValues": None,
                "subjectTypeIds": None,
            "exclude": {
                "subjectIds": ["3d5cfeef-e1e1-4be1-9218-68b0881c7538"],
                "propertyValues": None,
                "subjectTypeIds": None,

my_event_trigger = http_client.create_event_trigger(
    name = "My Event Trigger",                      # Required
    subject_type_id = subject_type_id_of_interest,  # Required
    active =True,                                   # Required
    event_rules = my_event_rules,                   # Required
    evaluation_trigger = "INPUT_METRICS",           # Required
    evaluation_constraint = "NONE"                  # Required
    subject_filter = my_subject_filter

Update an event trigger

Updates an event trigger.


Returns: EventTrigger

Update Event Trigger

my_event_trigger_id = "e7b6d3ab-34c7-4c3a-bf4d-51c854c79e95"
my_event_trigger = http_client.get_event_trigger(
    id_ = my_event_trigger_id

# Update event rules or other attributes
my_event_trigger.name = "My Updated Event Trigger"
my_event_trigger.event_rules[0].event_level = "WARNING"

my_updated_event_trigger = http_client.update_event_trigger(my_event_trigger)

Delete an event trigger

Deletes an event trigger.


  • id_ [required]: Event trigger ID to delete.

Returns: None

Delete Event Trigger

my_event_trigger_id = "e7b6d3ab-34c7-4c3a-bf4d-51c854c79e95"
    id_ = my_event_trigger_id


Methods to retrieve events.

Get events

Gets events based on various optional filters.


  • active [optional]: [optional]: Filter events by active status.
  • suppressed [optional]: Filter events by the suppressed field.
  • from_date [optional, default=None]: datetime, integer unix timestamp or string parsable by the dateutil.parser
  • to_date [optional, default=None]: datetime, integer unix timestamp or string parsable by the dateutil.parser
  • only_new [optional]: Filter for new events only.
  • property_value_ids [optional]: List of property value IDs to filter on.
  • subject_ids [optional]: List of subject IDs to filter on.
  • event_trigger_ids [optional]: List of event trigger IDs to filter on.
  • event_levels [optional]: List of event levels to filter on.
  • sort [optional, default=“startDate,desc”]: Sorting criteria for results.

Returns: List of Event

Get all Events

events = http_client.get_events()

Get selected Events

events = http_client.get_events(
    event_levels=["WARNING", "PROBLEM"]

Get an event

Gets a specific event.


  • id_ [required]: ID of the event to fetch.

Returns: Event or None if not found

Get a single Event

my_event_id = "c66e8fee-ded2-410d-b562-888724d58183"
event = http_client.get_event(id_=my_event_id)

Subject Types

Methods to create, update, delete and get subject types.

Get subject types

Gets subject types, optionally with arguments for filtering.


  • name [optional, default=None]: Filter subject types by name.
  • property_types_ids [optional, default=None]: A list of strings that contain property type IDs to filter on.

Returns: List of SubjectType

Get all Subject types

all_subject_types = http_client.get_subject_types()

Get a select list of Subject types

subject_type_name_of_interest = "My Subject Type"
property_types_ids_of_interest = [

select_list_of_subject_types = http_client.get_subject_types(
    name = subject_type_name_of_interest,
    property_types_ids = property_types_ids_of_interest

Get a subject type

Gets a specific subject type.


  • id_ [required]: Subject Type ID to fetch.

Returns: SubjectType

Get a single Subject type

my_subject_type_id = "526e8fee-ded2-410d-b562-888724d58183"
single_subject = http_client.get_subject_type(
    id_ = my_subject_type_id

Create a subject type

Creates a subject type


  • name [required]: The name of the subject type.
  • parent_ids [optional, default=None ]: The IDs of the parent subject types of this subject type.
  • parent_id [deprecated]: The ID of the parent subject type of this subject type.
  • primary_location [optional, default=None ]: The primary location metric or property type of this subject type, for displaying the location of subjects on the map.
    • type [required]: PROPERTY_TYPE.
    • id [required]: The property type ID to use as primary location.
  • property_types [optional, default=None ]: List of property type dictionary’s associated with this subject type.
    • id [required]: ID of the property type.
    • required [required]: Whether the property type is required to have a value for subjects belong to this subject type.
    • visible [optional]: Whether the property type is visible in the client in this subject type.

Returns: SubjectType

Create Primary location (PROPERTY_TYPE):

my_primary_location = {
    "type" : "PROPERTY_TYPE",
    "id" : "5c2df77a-b700-460b-a87d-5adc03f915bb"

Create Property Types:

my_property_types = [
        "id": "e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f",
        "required": True,
        "id": "e5f7ec09-4af4-4ac1-8837-124a0b7c9e37",
        "required": False,
        "visible": True
        "id": "5c2df77a-b700-460b-a87d-5adc03f915bb",
        "required": False,
        "visible" : False

Create Subject Type:

my_parent_subject_type_id = "f8874ab2-1695-4e11-a7f1-47eba57f0053"

my_subject_type = http_client.create_subject_type(
    name = "My subject type",                   # Required
    parent_ids = [my_parent_subject_type_id],   # Optional
    primary_location = my_primary_location,     # Optional
    property_types = my_property_types          # Optional

Update a subject type

Updates a subject type.


Returns: SubjectType

Update Property types:

my_subject_type_id = "526e8fee-ded2-410d-b562-888724d58183"
my_subject_type = http_client.get_subject_type(
    subject_type_id = my_subject_type_id

# Add new property types
my_new_property_types = [{
    "id" : "54a6850f-a7ae-40ba-8934-aba1fbddbeab",
    "required" : True,
    "visible" : True


# Remove property types
property_type_ids_to_remove = ["e5f7ec09-4af4-4ac1-8837-124a0b7c9e37"]

Create Primary location (METRIC):

my_primary_location = {
    "type" : "METRIC",
    "id" : "a6e924d7-885b-4045-baab-4d5e7bae1641"

Update attributes

# Update Primary location
my_subject_type.primary_location = my_primary_location
# Update name
my_subject_type.name = "My New Subject Type"
# update parent subject type ID
my_subject_type.parent_ids = ["d1b01ef9-868b-43c5-b3c0-10a884105899"]

Update Subject Type:

my_subject_type = http_client.update_subject_type(my_subject_type)

Delete a subject type

Deletes a subject type.


  • id_ [required]: Subject type ID to delete.

Returns: None

Delete Subject Type

my_subject_type_id = "526e8fee-ded2-410d-b562-888724d58183"
    id_ = my_subject_type_id


Methods to create, update, delete and get metrics.

Get metrics

Gets metrics, optionally with arguments for filtering.


  • name [optional, default=None]: Filter property types by name.
  • external_id [optional, default=None]: Filter metrics by external ID.
  • subject_type_ids [optional, default=None]: Filter on a list of subject type IDs.

Returns: List of Metric

Get all Metrics

all_metrics = http_client.get_metrics()

Get a select list of Metrics

metrics_name_of_interest = "My Metric"

metrics_external_id_of_interest = "my-metric"

subject_type_ids_of_interest = [

select_list_of_metrics = http_client.get_metrics(
    name = metrics_name_of_interest,
    external_id = metrics_external_id_of_interest,
    subject_type_ids = subject_type_ids_of_interest

Get a metric

Gets a specific metric.


  • id_ [required]: Metric ID to fetch.

Returns: Metric

Get a single Metric

my_metric_id = "fca1f5c9-e78a-48a3-b5b0-e0ee969a743b"
single_metric = http_client.get_metric(
    id_ = my_metric_id

Create metrics

Creates a metric.


  • subject_type_id [required]: Subject type ID that this metric belongs to. Determines which subjects, property types and metrics are connected.
  • name [required]: The name of the metric.
  • data_type [required]: The data type of the metric. Choose from: NUMBER or LOCATION.
  • type_ [required]: The type of the metric. Currently only the INGESTED type is supported.
  • discrete[optional, default=False] Whether this metric has discrete values. This is used by the web app to optimize visualization.
  • unit [optional, default=None]: The unit of the metric.
  • precision [optional, default=8]: The precision to show in the client for the metric, from 0 to 8.
  • visible [optional, default=True]: Whether this metric is visible in the client.
  • external_id [optional, default=None]: The external ID of the subject. This can be used when sending measurements to avoid the source systems (e.g. sensors) need to know which IDs are internally used in the Blockbax Platform. If left empty the external ID will be derived from the given name but it is recommended that one is given.

Returns: Metric

Create Metric:

subject_type_id = "526e8fee-ded2-410d-b562-888724d58183"
my_metric = http_client.create_metric(
    subject_type_id = subject_type_id,  # Required
    name = "My metric",                 # Required
    data_type = "NUMBER",               # Required
    type_ = "INGESTED"                  # Required
    unit = "K",                         # Optional, default = ""
    precision = 2,                      # Optional, default = 8
    visible = True,                     # Optional, default = True
    discrete = False,                   # Optional, default = False
    external_id = "example"             # Optional, default: derived from name

Update a metric

Updates a metric.


  • metric [required]: Updated Metric

Returns: Metric

Update Attributes

my_metric_id = "fca1f5c9-e78a-48a3-b5b0-e0ee969a743b"
my_metric = http_client.get_metric(
    id_ = my_metric_id

my_metric.name = "Updated Metric name"
my_metric.unit = "K"
my_metric.precision = 2
my_metric.visible = False
my_metric.external_id = "updated-metric-external-id"

Update Metric


Delete a metric

Deletes a metric.


  • id_ [required]: Metric ID to delete

Returns: None

Delete Metric

my_metric_id = "3c47681d-c782-45b2-8544-55eba5b398af"
    id_ = my_metric_id


Methods to create, update, delete and get subjects.

Get subjects

Gets subjects, optionally with arguments for filtering.


  • name [optional, default=None]: Filter subjects by name.
  • external_id [optional, default=None]: Filter subjects by external ID.
  • subject_ids: [optional, default=None]: Filter on a list of subject IDs.
  • subject_ids_mode: [optional, default=“SELF”]: Determines how the subjectIds parameter is applied. Choose from: “SELF” (only those ids), “CHILDREN” (only the direct children) or “ALL” (the subjects themselves and all subjects that have them in their composition anywhere in the tree).
  • subject_type_ids [optional, default=None]: Filter on a list of subject type IDs.
  • property_value_ids [optional, default=None]: Filter property value IDs using a string or a combination of a list with tuples. For strings use a , separator for OR and ; for AND, e.g. <A>,<B>;<C> translates to (A OR B) AND C. Instead of a string, IDs can be encapsulate in a tuple for OR and encapsulate IDs in a list for AND. e.g. [(A, B),C] translates to <A>,<B>;<C> a.k.a (A OR B) AND C.

Returns: Subject

Get all Subjects:

all_subjects = http_client.get_subjects()

Get a select list of Subjects:

subject_name_of_interest = "My Subject"
subject_external_id_of_interest = "my-subject"
subject_ids_of_interest = ["fca1f5c9-e78a-48a3-b5b0-e0ee969a743b"]
subject_type_ids_of_interest = ["my-subject-external-id"]
property_value_id_1 = "c287dc1c-0715-4fe5-a693-224f80b6fde3"
property_value_id_2 = "5666c0d6-e984-4bf4-af78-abd23fd660bc"
property_value_id_3 = "5c02e7ae-217c-4f36-b684-6797d2af2034"
subject_ids_mode = "CHILDREN"
property_value_ids_of_interest = f"{property_value_id_1},{property_value_id_2};{property_value_id_3}"
# Or
property_value_ids_of_interest = [(property_value_id_1,property_value_id_2),property_value_id_3]

select_list_of_subjects = http_client.get_subjects(
    name = subject_name_of_interest,
    external_id = subject_external_id_of_interest,
    subject_ids = subject_ids_of_interest,
    subject_ids_mode = subject_ids_mode,
    subject_type_ids = subject_type_ids_of_interest,
    property_value_ids_of_interest = property_value_ids_of_interest

Get a subject

Gets a specific subject.


  • id_ [required]: Subject ID to fetch.

Returns: Subject

Get a single Subject:

my_subject_id = "fca1f5c9-e78a-48a3-b5b0-e0ee969a743b"
single_subject = http_client.get_subject(
    id_ = my_subject_id

Create a subject

Creates a subject.


  • subject_type_id [required]: Subject type that this subjects belongs to. Determines which subjects, property types and metrics are connected.
  • name [required]: The name of the subject.
  • parent_id [optional, default=None]: The ID of the parent subject of this subject. Required if the subject type has a parent subject type. Not allowed otherwise.
  • properties [optional, default=None]: List of the properties of this subject.
  • ingestion_id_overrides [optional, default={} ]: Dictionary of metric ID ingestion ID pairs, ingestion ID’s belonging to metrics that are defined in the Subject Type but are not defined here will be automatically derived from the subject and metric external ID.
  • external_id [optional, default=None]: The external ID of the subject. This can be used when sending measurements to avoid the source systems (e.g. sensors) need to know which IDs are internally used in the Blockbax Platform. If left empty the external ID will be derived from the given name but it is recommended that one is given.

Returns: Subject

Create ingestion ID’s to overwrite:

my_metric_id = "fca1f5c9-e78a-48a3-b5b0-e0ee969a743b"
ingestion_ids_to_override = {
    my_metric_id: "my-new-ingestion-id"

Create Property values:

# "TEXT" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "59e4dd81-5704-4973-8bc4-8f377f9c487c"
text_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "text": "my_property_value"

# "NUMBER" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f"
number_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "number": 1

# "LOCATION" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "5c2df77a-b700-460b-a87d-5adc03f915bb"
location_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "location": {
        "lat": 51.925171,
        "lon": 4.475660,
        "alt": 0             # Optional

my_property_type_id = "d237162d-6da6-455e-8921-ba0c4bae4fc5"
map_layer_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "mapLayer": {
        "imagePath" : "/projects/715b6935-e3d8-48b1-86a3-a6e2a268e1f/propertyTypes/d237162d-6da6-455e-8921-ba0c4bae4fc5/values/8a75002b-0c63-4fe8-afc0-2c05e428a76a/files/efa6753f-4981-417f-aabd-be0f43c6e4f6.png",
        "leftBottom" : {
            "lat": 52.37403,
            "lon": 4.88969
        "leftTop" : {
            "lat": 52.37404,
            "lon": 4.88969
        "rightBottom" : {
            "lat": 52.37403,
            "lon": 4.88970
        "rightTop" : {
            "lat": 52.37404,
            "lon": 4.88970

my_property_type_id = "bae083a4-fb3a-490a-8025-312112066b66"
image_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "image": {
        "imagePath": "/projects/715b6935-e3d8-48b1-86a3-a6e2a268e1f/propertyTypes/bae083a4-fb3a-490a-8025-312112066b66/values/a8c52571-b882-4bf0-b013-f38f9621e7b6/files/ada6753f-4981-417f-aabd-be0f43c6e4c9.png"

my_property_type_id ="fc13e380-aee1-46c3-a125-2a7831b6d492"
inherited_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "inherit": True

new_properties = [

Create Subject

my_subject_type_id = "526e8fee-ded2-410d-b562-888724d58183"
my_parent_subject_id = "8e9e140c-3223-493a-bbfc-cc214fa44ae6"

my_subject = http_client.create_subject(
    subject_type_id = my_subject_type_id,               # Required
    name = "My Subject",                                # Required
    parent_id = my_parent_subject_id                    # Optional
    properties = new_properties,                        # Optional
    ingestion_id_overrides = ingestion_ids_to_override, # Optional
    external_id = "my-subject-external-id"              # Optional

Update a subject

Updates a subject.


  • subject [required]: Updated Subject

Returns: Subject

Update properties

my_subject_id = "fca1f5c9-e78a-48a3-b5b0-e0ee969a743b"
my_subject = http_client.get_subject(
    id_ = my_subject_id

# Create new or update already existing properties

# "TEXT" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "a8c89d3f-8fa2-480d-a013-8ff9adc16a4c"
text_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "text": "my_property_value"

# "NUMBER" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f"
number_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "number": 6

# "LOCATION" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "5c2df77a-b700-460b-a87d-5adc03f915bb"
location_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "location": {
        "lat": 51.997903,
        "lon": 4.3721174,
        "alt": 0             # Optional

updated_properties = [

# You can add or update property values like this

# You can remove property values like this
my_property_type_ids_to_remove = ["e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f"]

Update ingestion IDs

# You can add or update already existing ingestion IDs like this
my_metric_id = "3c47681d-c782-45b2-8544-55eba5b398af"
my_updated_ingestion_id = "my-updated-ingestion-id"
my_subject.set_ingestion_id(my_metric_id, my_ingestion_id)

# You can remove an ingestion ID like this:
my_metric_id_to_remove = "9a754b09-311c-4f80-b94e-1d36f6e81e26"

Update attributes

# Update name
my_subject.name = "New Name"
# Update external ID
my_subject.external_id = "New external ID"
# Update parent subject ID
my_subject.parent_id = "261d7154-04d6-4333-bd73-33e0f1592840"

update Subject

my_subject = http_client.update_subject(my_subject)

Delete a subject

Deletes a subject.


  • id_ [required]: Subject ID to delete.

Returns: None

Delete Subject

my_subject_id = "fca1f5c9-e78a-48a3-b5b0-e0ee969a743b"
    id_ = my_subject_id


Methods to queue, send and get measurements

Queue a measurement

Queues measurements to send.


  • ingestion_id [required]: Ingestion ID
  • date [optional, default=None]: datetime, Unix timestamp (float or int), or string parsable by the dateutil.parser. If no date is passed, the current date will be used. Numeric values for date will first be attempted to be parsed as epoch seconds. If the value is too large for seconds, it will be interpreted as epoch milliseconds.
  • number [optional, default=None]: Decimal number, must be filled if location and text are None.
  • text [optional, default=None]: String text, must be filled if number and location are None.
  • location [optional, default=None]: Location or dictionary, must be filled if number and text are None.

Returns: None


  • ValidationError: Raised when the specified number cannot be converted to a Decimal, or if a valid datetime cannot be derived from the provided date argument.

Queue a number measurement:

    ingestion_id = "my_number_ingestion",
    date = datetime(2024, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
    number = 1

Queue a text measurement:

    ingestion_id= "my_text_ingestion",
    text="Sample measurement"

Queue a location value:

my_location = {
    "alt":0             # Optional
    ingestion_id = "my_location_ingestion",
    date = "2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    location = my_location

Sending measurements

Sends queued measurements.


This method takes no arguments.

Returns: None

Send all queued measurements:


Get measurements

Gets measurements with arguments for filtering.


  • subject_ids [optional, default=[] ]: List of IDs of the subjects. When passing a fromDate or toDate, this must only contain one subject ID.
  • metric_ids [optional, default=[] ]: List of IDs of the metrics. When passing a fromDate or toDate, this must only contain one metric ID.
  • from_date [optional, default=None]: datetime, integer unix timestamp or string parsable by the dateutil.parser
  • to_date [optional, default=None]: datetime, integer unix timestamp or string parsable by the dateutil.parser
  • order [optional, default=asc]: Ordering of measurements based on the date (asc or desc).

Returns: List of Series

Get all latest measurements:

my_series = http_client.get_measurements()

Get specific measurements:

subject_ids = ["fca1f5c9-e78a-48a3-b5b0-e0ee969a743b"]
metric_ids = ["3c47681d-c782-45b2-8544-55eba5b398af"]
# measurements from last two hours
to_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
from_date = to_date - datetime.timedelta(hours=2)
order = "asc"

my_series = http_client.get_measurements(
    subjects=subjects,  # Optional iff 'from_date' or 'to_date' is None else only 1 allowed
    metrics=metrics,    # Optional iff 'from_date' or 'to_date' is None else only 1 allowed
    from_date=from_date,# Optional
    to_date=to_date,    # Optional
    order=order,        # Optional, default = asc

Main Data Models

Subclasses of BlockbaxModel which extend Pydantic BaseModel, providing methods to handle responses from and format requests for the Blockbax API.

Property Type

A PropertyType model representing a property type.


  • id: UUID
  • name: str
  • external_id: str
  • created_date: datetime
  • updated_date: datetime
  • data_type: str
  • predefined_values: bool
  • values: List[PropertyTypeValue]


  • add_value(value: Any, caption: Optional[str] = None) -> None: Store a predefined value. Optionally store its corresponding caption.
    • Raises: ValueError: Raised when given number could not be converted to a Decimal
    • Raises: ValueError: Raised when predefined_values is set to True
  • remove_value(value: Any) -> None: Remove a predefined value.
    • Raises: ValueError: Raised when predefined_values is set to True
  • change_value(old_value: Any, new_value: Any) -> None: Changes the value of an already existing property value.
    • Raises: ValueError: Raised when predefined_values is set to True
  • change_caption(value: Any, caption: str) -> None: Changes the caption of an already existing property value.
    • Raises: ValueError: Raised when predefined_values is set to True
  • contains_value(value: Any) -> bool: Returns True if Property type has a Property value equal to the given value.


Type aliases for NumberPropertyTypeValue,TextPropertyTypeValue,LocationPropertyTypeValue,MapLayerPropertyTypeValue,ImagePropertyTypeValue,UnknownDataTypePropertyTypeValue. Each of these fields are inherited from their corresponding data type mixin and property type value base. For instance the NumberPropertyTypeValue can contain attributes of id, caption, inherit from PropertyTypeValueBase and should contain the number field from number mixin. The utility type adapter property_type_value_adapter from the same module that contains mentioned type aliases can be used to create a valid property type value from the Python object. For example property_type_value_adapter.model_validate({“text”:“hello world!”}) creates an instance of TextPropertyTypeValue.


Base model for all property type value models.

  • id [optional, default=None]: UUID; automatically converted to UUID if string is passed.
  • caption [optional, default=None]: str
  • inherit [optional, default=None]: bool


# Add a value
my_new_number_value = 2
caption = "two"
PropertyType.add_value(my_new_number_value, caption)

# Change a value 
old_value = 2
new_value = 3

PropertyType.change_value(old_value, new_value)

value = 3
caption = "Three"
PropertyType.change_caption(value, caption)

# Check if the property type contains a value
existing_value = 3

> True

# Remove a value
my_old_location_value = {

Subject Type

A SubjectType model representing a subject type.


  • id: UUID
  • name: str
  • created_date: datetime
  • updated_date [optional, default=None]: datetime
  • parent_subject_type_ids [optional, default=None]: List[UUID]
  • primary_location [optional, default=None]: SubjectTypePrimaryLocation
  • property_types [optional, default=None]: List[SubjectTypePropertyType]


  • add_property_types(property_type: List[dict]) -> None: Adds new property types to its property_types attribute.
  • remove_property_types(property_type_ids: List[Union[UUID, str]]) -> None: Removes property types from its property_types attribute by ID.
  • contains_property_type(property_type_id: Union[UUID, str]) -> bool: Returns True if the Subject type defines a property type with given ID.


Property type value of a SubjectType.

  • id [optional, default=None]: UUID; automatically converted to UUID if string is passed.
  • caption [optional, default=None]: str
  • inherit [optional, default=None]: bool


  • type : Literal[“PROPERTY_TYPE”, “METRIC”]
  • id : UUID; automatically converted to UUID if string is passed.


my_new_property_types = [{
    "id" : "54a6850f-a7ae-40ba-8934-aba1fbddbeab",
    "required" : True,
    "visible" : True


property_type_ids_to_remove = ["e5f7ec09-4af4-4ac1-8837-124a0b7c9e37"]

existing_property_type_id = "54a6850f-a7ae-40ba-8934-aba1fbddbeab"

> True


A Metric model representing a metric.


  • id: UUID
  • created_date: datetime
  • subject_type_id: UUID
  • name: str
  • data_type: Literal[“NUMBER”, “TEXT”, “LOCATION”]
  • type: Literal[“INGESTED”, “CALCULATED”, “SIMULATED”]
  • updated_date [optional, default=None ]: datetime
  • unit [optional, default=None ]: str
  • precision [optional, default=None ]: int
  • visible [default=True ]: bool
  • discrete [default=False ]: bool
  • external_id[optional, default=None ]: str. Optional for creating metric. Always populated in returned values.
  • mapping_level [optional, default=None ]: Literal[“OWN”, “CHILD”]


A Subject model representing a subject.


  • id: UUID
  • name: str
  • subject_type_id: UUID
  • external_id: str
  • created_date: datetime
  • properties[optional, default=[]]: List[SubjectProperty]
  • ingestion_ids[optional, default=[]]: List[IngestionDetails]
  • updated_date[optional, default=None]: datetime
  • parent_subject_id[optional, default=None]: UUID


  • get_property_by_type_id(property_type_id: Union[UUID, str]) -> Optional[SubjectProperty]: Gets a property by the property type id if the subject has a property of that property type.
    • Raises: ValueError: Raised when given number could not be converted to a Decimal
  • set_properties(property_values: List[Union[Dict[Any, Any], SubjectProperty]]) -> None: Store a property values in properties attribute.
    • Raises: ValueError: Raised when given number could not be converted to a Decimal
  • remove_properties(property_type_ids: List[Union[UUID, str]]) -> None: Remove a property value from properties attribute.
  • override_ingestion_id(metric_id: Union[UUID, str], ingestion_id: str) -> None: Stored an ingestion ID to override in ingestion_ids attribute per metric ID and sets deriveIngestionId to False.
  • derive_ingestion_id(metric_id: Union[UUID, str]) -> None: Remove an ingestion ID to override in ingestion_ids attribute per metric ID and sets deriveIngestionId to True.
  • get_ingestion_id(metric_id: Union[UUID, str]) -> Optional[str]: Get the first matched ingestion id with a specific metric id.
  • get_metric_id(ingestion_id: str) -> Optional[UUID]: Get the metric id of an ingestion id.
  • has_ingestion_ids(ingestion_ids: List[str]) -> bool: If the subject has all passed ingestion ids.
  • has_ingestion_id(ingestion_id: str) -> bool: If the subject has a specific passed ingestion id.
  • has_metric_id(metric_id: Union[UUID, str]) -> bool: If the subject has an ingestion id with the passed metric id.


Type aliases for NumberSubjectProperty,TextSubjectProperty,LocationSubjectProperty,MapLayerSubjectProperty,ImageSubjectProperty,PreDefinedSubjectProperty, UnknownDataTypeSubjectProperty. Each of these fields are inherited from their corresponding data type mixin and subject property base. For instance the NumberSubjectProperty can contain attributes of type_id, caption, inherit from SubjectPropertyBase and should contain the number field from number mixin. The utility type adapter subject_property_adapter from the same module that contains mentioned type aliases can be used to create a valid subject property value from the Python object. For example subject_property_adapter.model_validate({“typeID”:“A valid UUID”, “text”:“hello world!”}) creates an instance of TextPropertyTypeValue.


Base model for all subject property models.

  • type_id [optional, default=None]: UUID; automatically converted to UUID if string is passed.
  • value_id [optional, default=None]: UUID; automatically converted to UUID if string is passed.
  • caption [optional, default=None]: str
  • inherit [optional, default=None]: bool


  • metric_id: UUID
  • derive_ingestion_id [optional, default=False]: bool
  • ingestion_id [optional, default=None]: str

Property value Example

# dictionary's representing different types to property values:

# "TEXT" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "a8c89d3f-8fa2-480d-a013-8ff9adc16a4c"
text_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "text": "my_property_value"

# "NUMBER" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f"
number_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "number": 6

# "LOCATION" data_type defined by property_type
my_property_type_id = "5c2df77a-b700-460b-a87d-5adc03f915bb"
location_property = {
    "typeId": my_property_type_id,
    "location": {
        "lat": 51.997903,
        "lon": 4.3721174,
        "alt": 0             # Optional

updated_properties = [

# You can add property values like this

# You can remove property values like this
my_property_type_ids_to_remove = ["e85f1b55-07bd-40d5-85a5-04c07dd3f12f"]

Property value Example

# add ingestion IDs
my_metric_id = "f4870f59-2e4b-4fc5-8d83-477fcf1f4fe2"
my_new_ingestion_id = "my-ingestion-id"
Subject.set_ingestion_id(my_metric_id, my_ingestion_id)

# Remove ingestion ID:
my_metric_id_to_remove = "9a754b09-311c-4f80-b94e-1d36f6e81e26"


An Iterable Series model representing a series of measurements that belong to a combination of a subject and metric ID.


  • subject_id: Subject ID
  • metric_id: Metric ID
  • measurements: List of Measurement


# Iterate over measurements
for measurement in my_series:
    date = measurement.date
    value = measurement.get_value()


A Measurement model representing either a number or location measurement.

Depending on the data type a subclass of the Measurement will be returned. This subclass will only contain either one of the following attributes: text, number or location.


  • date: [optional, default=None ]: Integer unix timestamp
  • number [optional, default=None ]: Decimal
  • location [optional, default=None ]: dict
  • text [optional, default=None ]: str


  • get_value() -> Any: Get value stored in either the number, location or text attribute.


my_value = Measurement.get_value()


A Event model representing an event.


  • id: UUID
  • event_trigger_id: UUID
  • event_trigger_version: int
  • event_level: Literal[“OK”, “INFORMATION”, “WARNING”, “PROBLEM”]
  • subject_id: UUID
  • condition_set_ids: List[UUID]
  • start_date: datetime
  • end_date [optional]: datetime = None
  • suppressed : bool


A EventTrigger model representing an event trigger.


  • created_date: datetime
  • subject_type_id: UUID
  • name: str
  • version: int
  • active: bool
  • evaluation_trigger: Literal[“INPUT_METRICS”, “SUBJECT_METRICS”]
  • evaluation_constraint: Literal[“NONE”, “ALL_TIMESTAMPS_MATCH”]
  • event_rules: List[EventRule]
  • id [optional]: UUID
  • updated_date [optional]: datetime
  • subject_filter [optional]: SubjectFilter


A EventRule model representing an event rule.

  • event_level: Literal[“OK”, “INFORMATION”, “WARNING”, “PROBLEM”]
  • condition_sets: List[ConditionSet]

A ConditionSet model representing a set of conditions for an event rule.


A InputCondition model representing a condition used in an event rule.

  • type: Literal[“THRESHOLD”, “TEXT_MATCH”, “GEOFENCE”]
  • left_operand: Operand
  • right_operand: Operand
  • offset: Offset

A DurationCondition model representing a duration-based condition used in an event rule.


An OccurrenceCondition model representing an occurrence-based condition used in an event rule.

  • period: Period
  • occurrences: int

A DayTimeCondition model representing a day-time based condition used in an event rule.


A DayTimeConditionRange model representing a time range within a day for DayTimeCondition.

  • from_time: str
  • to_time: str

A Period model representing a time period with a specific unit and amount.

  • unit: Literal[“MILLISECOND”, “SECOND”, “MINUTE”, “HOUR”, “DAY”, “WEEK”]
  • amount: int

A Operand model representing different types of operands used in conditions or calculations.

  • id: Optional[Union[MetricId, PropertyTypeId, str]] = None
  • number: Optional[Union[int, float, Decimal, str]] = None
  • text: Optional[str] = None
  • location: Optional[Location] = None
  • area: Optional[Area] = None
  • aggregation: Optional[Aggregation] = None
  • left_operand: Optional[Operand] = None
  • right_operand: Optional[Operand] = None
  • offset: Optional[Offset] = None

Represents an aggregation function with its period.

  • function: Literal[“MIN”, “MAX”, “SUM”, “COUNT”, “AVG”]
  • period: Period

Represents an offset function with its type and optional period.

  • type: Literal[“PREVIOUS_VALUE”, “PERIOD”]
  • period: Optional[Period]


Represents a subject filter that can include or exclude certain subjects based on the specified filter items.


Represents a filter item for subjects, allowing for filtering by subject IDs and property values.


Represents a filter for subject property values based on type ID and associated value IDs.

  • type_id: Union[UUID, str]
  • value_ids: List[Union[UUID, str]]

Nested Data Models

Mixins, models, and adapters used by higher level methods and models.

  • Models are base data type models like Number, or Image.
  • Mixins are wrappers around base models. They provide relevant fields and methods for the corresponding data type. For example a number mixin has a field of number and the method of get_value().
  • Data adapters are utility Pydantic type adapters that can be used to serialize and validate data type models from parsable python objects like dictionaries.

Base mixin

Mixin model DataTypeMixinABC. This mixin extends Blockbax base model and provides abstract methods that are implemented in all of the data types.


  • get_value() -> Any: Get value stored in either the text, number, location, map_layer or image attribute.
  • get_data_type() -> str: Returns the string indicating the property value data type, either: text, number, location, mapLayer or image

Text mixin

Mixin model TextTypeMixin. Store text value in the text field.




  • text : str

Number mixin

Mixin model NumberTypeMixin. Store number value in the number field.




  • number : Union[int, float, Decimal]

Location mixin

Mixin model LocationTypeMixin. Store location value in the location field.




Map layer mixin

Mixin model MapLayerTypeMixin. Store map layer value in the map_layer field.




Image mixin

Mixin model ImageTypeMixin. Store image value in the image field.




Area mixin

Mixin model AreaTypeMixin. Store area value in the area field.




  • area :Area[#area]


Store location value in the Location model.


  • lat: Latitude (-90 to 90 for the integer part and 8 digits behind the decimal point).
  • lon: Longitude (-180 to 180 for the integer part and 8 digits behind the decimal point).
  • alt[optional, default=None ]: Altitude (-180 to 180 for the integer part and 8 digits behind the decimal point).

Map layer

Store map_layer value in the MapLayer model.


  • image_data: Base64 encoded image file that can be a gif, png or jpeg with a max size of 5 MB.
  • image_path: In the returned JSON imageData is turned into an imagePath in the format /projects/{projectId}/propertyTypes/{propertyTypeId}/values/{valueId}/files/{imageFile} which can then be retrieved from there.
  • left_bottom: Location
  • left_top: Location
  • right_bottom: Location
  • right_top: Location


Store image value in the Image model.


  • image_data: Base64 encoded image file that can be a gif, png or jpeg with a max size of 5 MB.
  • image_path: In the returned JSON imageData is turned into an imagePath in the format /projects/{projectId}/propertyTypes/{propertyTypeId}/values/{valueId}/files/{imageFile} which can then be retrieved from there.


Store polygon value in the Polygon model.


  • outerRing: List[Location] of the outer ring coordinates of the polygon with a lat and lon value that must express a valid polygon that is drawn counter-clockwise. The last coordinate should be the same as the first.


Store area value in the Area model.
