
OpenWeather data connector

The free current weather API of OpenWeather is used to fetch weather data for your subject(s). Please follow the instructions below to enable the connector.

The free OpenWeather API does not support retrieving historical data. If data ingestion is interrupted for any reason, data loss will occur. If this poses an issue, please contact us at to discuss alternative solutions.

Step 1: Send us an email

Send the following to

  • Your free API key from OpenWeather (sign up here). This is where you can find the API key after signing up:
OpenWeather screenshot
Project ID
  • The desired data interval. Choose between 1 minute and 24 hours.

That’s all and to make it even easier, here is an example that you can copypaste:

Hi Blockbax Support,

Here is the information to enable the weather connector:

  • OpenWeather API key: [ONE TIME LINK TO YOUR KEY]
  • Blockbax API key: [ONE TIME LINK TO YOUR KEY]
  • Blockbax project ID: [PROJECT ID]
  • Data interval: Every 15 minutes

Please let me know when the integration is running.

Blockbax Support will come back to you as soon as possible to provide you with the fee for running, maintaining, updating, and monitoring the weather connector for your subjects. The cost for this connector starts at €50/month, varying based on the number of subjects for which weather data is retrieved.

Step 2: Configure subject type

  1. Create or edit a subject type and set the primary location:
    • If the primary location is set to Property, the location is derived from the subject’s property.
    • If the primary location is set to Metric, the latest location measurement of the subject is used.

If no location is linked to the subject, the subject will be skipped, and no data will be ingested.

  1. Add one or multiple of the following metrics:
    Metric nameData typeUnitExternal IDNote
    Feels like temperatureNumber°Copenweathermap_feels_like
    Atmospheric pressureNumberhPaopenweathermap_pressure
    Rain Volume (last hour)Numbermm/hopenweathermap_rain_one_hourWhere available
    Snow Volume (last hour)Numbermm/hopenweathermap_snow_one_hourWhere available
    Current temperatureNumber°Copenweathermap_temp
    Weather descriptionTextN/Aopenweathermap_weather_description
    Wind directionNumber°openweathermap_wind_deg
    Wind gust speedNumbermeter/secopenweathermap_wind_gust
    Wind speedNumbermeter/secopenweathermap_wind_speed

Metric names can be arbitrarily chosen but the External ID should always be selected from the required format.

Step 3: Check if data is ingested

  • Wait for a email from Blockbax Support that the integration is running.
  • Check if the data is ingested correctly. Please contact us via if you find any issues.

Good luck with driving value from the weather data!